Kishi Bashi’s ‘Song Film’ Documentary ‘Omoiyari’ Explores the Composer’s Journey of Discovery and Connection
“Omoiyari” follows Kishi Bashi on a self-discovery journey underscored by music. (Courtesy of A Song Film by Kishi Bashi: Omoiyari.)...
“Omoiyari” follows Kishi Bashi on a self-discovery journey underscored by music. (Courtesy of A Song Film by Kishi Bashi: Omoiyari.)...
Uh oh, it’s the start of October and Halloween is creeping up. You told yourself last year (and the year...
Jung Dong Ha and So Hyang, Korea’s best of best vocalists, will perform live on Saturday, October 28 (6pm) exclusively...
Ever since Lilly Singh was young, she wanted to defy expectations. “I’m addicted to the idea of accomplishing all the...
Melton stars as Joe Yoo in the upcoming Netflix thriller, “May December.” (Photo courtesy of Netflix.) It started as an...
Bae Suzy and Yang Se-jong star as the romantic leads in the upcoming K-drama, “Doona!" (Photo Courtesy of Netflix.) From... Buckle in for a trip down memory lane as Indonesian singer-songwriter Agnez Mo (formerly known as Agnes Monica) walks...
Half-bloods unite in the latest teaser trailer for the upcoming Disney+ series “Percy Jackson and the Olympians.” (Courtesy of Disney+.)...
The sophomore season of the NBC series premieres Oct. 4. (Photo courtesy of NBC) Dr.Ben Song (Raymond Lee) is back...
The eight-track album releases today, September 15. (Photo courtesy of jason chu.) Los Angeles-based rapper/activist jason chu released “We Were...
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