At long last, Netflix’s “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is here. A live-action reimagining of the eponymous animated series, the story follows the journey of Aang (Gordon Cormier), the young Avatar, as he tries to master the four elements — Water, Earth, Fire, and Air — in time to defend the world against the Fire Nation. With his two new friends Sokka (Ian Ousley) and Katara (Kiawentiio), a brother and sister pair from the Southern Water Tribe, Aang heads to the Northern Water Tribe with numerous side quests ramping up the anticipation for the big showdown. Complicating things, the Fire Nation’s Crown Prince Zuko (Dallas Liu) relentlessly chases down the trio in an effort to restore his tarnished honor.
If you’re a long-time fan (I myself recall watching the original Nickelodeon show when it debuted in 2005), you are likely cautiously optimistic. After all, we can easily recall the debacle that was “The Last Airbender,” the 2010 M. Night Shyamalan-directed live-action theatrical adaptation. Or maybe we would rather not recall it and have already erased it from our collective memory.
Whatever the reason, we ATLA enthusiasts are rightfully leery. The Netflix series seemed to be in the right hands when original creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko (affectionately shipped as “Bryke”) were initially attached to the new adaptation. They, however, left in 2020 due to creative differences, leaving fans concerned that yet another version of the beloved Nickelodeon show would be ruined.
“Obviously, the fans know a lot about the show, and they have certain expectations that are really high,” said Executive Producer and Director Jabbar Raisani about the pressure to do the series right. “It was our job to meet and hopefully exceed those expectations. We really want the fans to love it as much as they love the original series.”
Quick cheat sheet for the epic fantasy world of ATLA
If you are unfamiliar with the original animated…
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