Based on the timeless Chinese novel Journey to the West, The Monkey King is a computer-animated movie that debuted on Netflix in August 2023. The classic story follows Monkey King and his mystical fighting stick as they embark on a perilous mission to slay 100 demons and defeat the mighty Dragon King. Along the way, Monkey King is forced to learn that his ego and ambition may be his biggest enemy of all.
Despite earning middling reviews, The Monkey King boasts a supremely talented cast of Asian American actors who most fans will recognize from several high-profile movies and TV shows. For those who’ve yet to see the enchanting animated action-adventure film, the superb cast of characters makes The Monkey King worthwhile.
Jimmy O. Yang as Monkey King
Jimmy O. Yang brings Monkey King to life as the movie’s main protagonist. According to lore, Monkey King was born from stone on top of a mountain that upset the balance of the Jade Emperor. When told to find purpose by the Buddha, Monkey King decides to challenge 100 demons with the help of his magical fighting staff. Alas, Monkey King’s true test is overcoming his unruly nature and finding a sense of humility.
Yang is a hilarious stand-up comedian who spent the first part of his acting career as a guest star on various TV shows. His big breakout role came in 2014 when he was cast as Jian Yang in HBO’s acclaimed comedy series, Silicon Valley. He has since appeared in such TV shows as Space Force and American Born Chinese, as well as such popular movies as Crazy Rich Asians and Fantasy Island.
Bowen Yang as Dragon King
Bowen Yang voices the movie’s primary antagonist, Dragon King. Known as the God of water and weather, Dragon King vows to bring Monkey King down after Monkey King obtains his magical staff from the sea beneath his kingdom. Along the way, Dragon King employs several sneaky ploys to lure Monkey King into his trap, such as assigning a double…
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