“If you had one shot, or one opportunity…”
It’s not every day that your idol becomes one of your colleagues. Especially when the person you idolize is the one knocking on your door. For Ezekiel Miller, that knock came in the form of a phone call from perhaps one of the greatest hip-hop artists of all time, Eminem.
Growing up around the rock genre for the majority of his young life, Miller’s first foray into music started in heavy metal. After learning how to produce and record his own music, he started his YouTube channel, Slashmouth, where he would post covers of his favorite deathcore songs and tutorials of how to play them on guitar. Upon moving to the States in 2015, the now 25-year-old slowly realized that if he wanted to go mainstream with his career, heavy metal and deathcore would be a difficult genre to break into and instead reevaluated what kind of music he wanted to pursue professionally.
When it comes to creative decisions in his music, Miller prefers the “pick and choose” thing. With a lingering interest in rap, hip-hop and R&B, Miller tapped into that side of him and started learning songs within those niches of music. “If I’m feeling angry, I’ll make some metal or rap,” he says. “If I’m feeling all lovey dovey, I have some R&B or maybe even some jazz.” As silly as that sounds, Miller’s discography is sprinkled with all different types of genres blended together. Earlier EP’s in his career like “Resonances” showcase Miller’s vocal range, especially in his song “Into It All.” Later releases, such as “DU4LI7Y,” highlight his innovative lyricism and passion in the delivery for his raps in both English and Tagalog.

“I work hard to try to acquire skills to produce as much as I can,” Miller says. Establishing his music career, the rapper learned the entire process of writing, producing, recording and mastering his own songs. During the height of the pandemic, Miller, now going by…
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