In addition to a stereotype that East Asians lack leadership skills, studies suggest they are seen as lacking in creativity, assertiveness and communication skills and, while competent, are not warm and sociable.
One problem is that many of the attributes traditionally valued in Confucian East Asian societies – modesty, reticence, thinking of others first, letting your work speak for itself – are perceived as weaknesses in the loud, brash, self-promoting West, particularly the United States.
The point is not to pit different Asian minorities against each other, said Li. But having a strong point of view, seeking visibility, being assertive and vocalising opinions with conviction – common ingredients of success in the US – do not always come naturally to East Asians and can even appear rude among those taught not to challenge authority figures.
Some studies suggest East Asians also tend to be more insular than other ethnic groups, socialising more among themselves than with outsiders, undercutting the social networks and reputation needed to forge broader leadership credentials.
Racism for all…
Racism for all…
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