What’s the most important political issue to you right now?
What’s the most important political
issue to you right now?
“Gun violence.”
67, Calif., Japanese American
30, Fla., Chinese American
“Mental health.”
42, Mass., Chinse American
As we were preparing for our latest Times Opinion focus group — a discussion with 12 Americans of Asian descent and varied backgrounds — we decided to begin the conversation by getting a bit personal. We asked our participants questions about identity: how they see themselves and how they think other Americans see Asian Americans. It was one of our liveliest conversations from the get-go, with some participants expressing mixed feelings about the term “Asian American” itself, as well as about their feelings about assimilation, dating and how they are viewed at work.
A through line of the 90-minute focus group was their varied experiences with stereotypes in America, including on issues like hate crimes and affirmative action, both of which had an immediacy against the backdrop of recent mass shootings in California and a case before the Supreme Court, the outcome of which will determine the future of race-based admissions programs at top…
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