Contrary to ~popular belief~ not every millennial blew their money on avocado toast, and some have actually been able to buy homes (despite it being a tough housing market). And, also, contrary to the popular media narrative of millennials moving back in with their parents, recently Fortune published a story about the opposite: how there has been a growing trend of boomers not being able to afford to live on their own and having to move in with their millennial children.
Well, Reddit user LightRobb shared the article on the Boomers Being Fools subreddit, where it was met with TONS of comments. While there were lots of positive comments from millennials who had let their parents move in or said they would let them move into their house, there were also lots of not-so-great comments from people who had let their parents move in and it ended up being a less than ideal situation.
Below are some of the top and best comments:
1. “And then when they move in, they have the audacity to try and establish ‘rules’ with you.”
2. “My wife’s boomer parents pissed away all their money buying survival supplies from Glenn Beck and AR-15′s, racked up thousands in credit card bills, have had their identity stolen seven times, and then when their homeowners insurance skyrocketed, in Florida of course, they were forced to sell their home. Me and the wife moved them to us on our dime, bought them a home which they pay $1,000 ‘rent’ for, all utilities included, which is a loss of at least $2,500 a month for us. And…”
“They are miserable and unhappy and want to move back to Florida. They live in absolute luxury in a house they pay almost nothing for and are the most ungrateful sons a bitches on the planet. All they do is call me to bitch about every minor inconvenience. And now that they paid off their bills with the sale of their house, right back to buying QVC garbage and survival supplies for the…
Read the full article here