In a bid to empower Asian American communities in Minnesota, the upcoming “Your Business Your Money Conference: Wealth Building & Asian Minnesotans” is set to be a transformative event dedicated to supporting immigrant and next-generation entrepreneurs and fostering economic prosperity within the state’s diverse communities.
Presented by the Asian Economic Development Association (AEDA) and Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, this first of its kind conference in Minnesota will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Wilder Center, 451 Lexington Pkwy N., St. Paul, MN 554104.
The convening goes beyond just a gathering, it serves as a rallying cry for Asian Minnesotans to embrace and celebrate their entrepreneurial skills and potential. With a strong emphasis on wealth building, business growth, and cooperative development, the event aims to equip attendees with the essential knowledge, resources, and support needed to thrive in today’s changing society. For many Asian Minnesotans, the path to economic stability and success has been rife with challenges as Minnesota adjusts to include their growing populations.
“AAPI refugees, immigrants and their U.S. children have become significant economic and cultural impact in Minnesota,” said VaMegn Thoj, Executive Director and Founder of AEDA. “The state’s economic success has not included everyone, including many Asian Minnesotans who struggle everyday with their finances. The YOBIZMO conference highlights these gaps and wealth building opportunities for underserved AAPI communities.”
Thoj co-founded AEDA with Asian community leaders and small business owners in 2006 to address these barriers and fill gaps in Minnesota’s small business development ecosystem.
With support from Allianz, “Your Business Your Money Conference: to level the paying field with a platform for education, networking, and collaboration. The conference will also…
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