Dìdi (弟弟) is a coming-of-age film written and directed by Sean Wang. The film follows Chris, a 13-year-old Taiwanese American boy, through the summer before high school, experiencing awkward teenage growing pains. Dìdi (弟弟), which means little brother in Mandarin, showcases the relationships between Chris and his family and how three Asian American generations navigate living together under one roof.
The film features a diverse young and promising cast, Izaac Wang (plays Chris) and Shirley Chen (plays sister Vivian) and paired with industry legend Joan Chen have all been in Sundance films before. Plus, writer and director Sean Wang’s literal grandma, Chang Li Hua, plays the grandmother in Dìdi (弟弟).
Dìdi (弟弟) premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival in January of this year and was shortly picked up by major distributor Focus Features for wide release.
Cold Tea Collective’s Natasha Jung spoke with Izaac Wang, along with Wong Fu Productions’ Wesley Chan and Gold House’s Christine Yi, about the film.
Izaac Wang takes on the role of being Dìdi (弟弟)
Izaac Wang plays the titular Dìdi (弟弟), also known as Chris, or “Asian Chris,” as he was called in a house party scene in the film.
Playing a 13-year-old wasn’t too far from the reality of being only two years older than his character. Having been homeschooled himself, Wang says he was able to draw upon his own experiences in transitioning into attending high school with other kids his age to bring his character to life. “Back in my first year of freshman year of high school, I really [wanted to] fit in, be cool and be like all the other high schoolers,” says Wang.
He also shared how he personally resonated with a scene where Chris and his mom argue in the car, reflective of how challenging that child-parent relationship can be in an Asian family with generational…
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