Despite living a galaxy far far away, the main characters of “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” lived a rather mundane life filled with boring classes and strict curfews on their home planet, At Attin. But that’s soon to change, when the rag tag group of kids, Wim (Ravi Cabot-Conyers), Fren (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), KB (Kyriana Kratter) and Neel (Robert Timothy Smith) find themselves blasting off to space after sneaking onto an abandoned starship. The Disney+ coming of age series follows the children as they go off on their own adventure in hopes of returning home, and encounter a mysterious force user played by Jude Law along the way. This homage to classic 80s films like “The NeverEnding Story” and “The Goonies” premiered last week with two episodes, with new episodes dropping weekly until January 14, 2025.
Character Media sat down with Kyriana Kratter days after the series premiere to speak about her time on set as KB, bonding with her fellow cast members and how it felt joining the world of Star Wars.
Character Media: First thing first: What drew you into acting? Who were some of your inspirations?
Kyriana Kratter:I was inspired by Michelle Yeoh when I saw her in “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” she really inspired me to get into martial arts. Now I do Taekwondo and wushu and a little bit of jujitsu Then, I met the Daniels. They directed one of [the] episodes, I was [so] excited.
I started doing school plays, and I really loved it. I [also] started doing theater camps and I enjoyed doing [that] during the summer. I made so many friends, and I loved getting fitted for a costume. I loved just becoming a whole different character.
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