“Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa” tracks the extraordinary story of Lhakpa Sherpa, her climb to Mount Everest and her childhood in Nepal, which started her story. The recently released trailer shows her journey in the Netflix film set to be released on July 31.
Sherpa has been recognized as one of the greatest female Mount Everest climbers and this unsung hero’s tremendous story will be shared again after 20 years. In 2000, at the age of 27, she became the first Nepali woman to summit and survive Mount Everest. Her legacy remains today as she holds the record for most Everest summits by a woman at 10 climbs. But even before she reached the mountain peak, Sherpa faced numerous trials and tribulations in her life. As a daughter of yak farmers in rural Nepal, Sherpa was denied an education and the ability to work due to her gender. Eventually, Sherpa immigrated to the United States, where she survived intimate partner violence and struggled to provide for her two daughters, Sunny and Shiny.
Despite her circumstances, Sherpa persisted in her goal by pursuing another impossible climb to prove her fearlessness and strength to her children. “Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa” is a documentary directed by Lucy Walker, Kate Berry as the executive producer and Dalia Burde and Charlie Corwin as producers.
Watch the awe-inspiring feats of this Nepalese trailblazer in the trailer for “Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa” premiering on Netflix later this month!
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